Wednesday 18 May 2022

What do You Mean by Oracle Performance Tuning?

oracle performance tuning

Performance tuning is a process in which we fine-tune a database to improve its operational performance. This process includes working on performance tuning a SQL query and query execution plans so that queries can be completed more efficiently.

A simple-effective approach to oracle performance tuning tips

Performance tuning an Oracle database is a complex job, as it depends on a lot of factors. To make things simple to understand we will apply a simple approach like performance tune SQL query.

Here we begin:

 Identify queries that consume resources: Identify queries that take more time and consume more system resources. Oracle database monitoring tools like Oracle SQL Analyze are of great help in situations like these. These tools do their work by identifying resource-intensive SQL statements. Just tune those statements and achieve your feat.


    Minimize workload with index use: There are cases when the same query comes up in different ways. So write a code that minimizes workload to the bare minimum. To avoid a large workload on a database use indexing to access a small set of rows instead of processing the entire database in one go. Use indexing in scenarios where a column is regularly queried.


  Use stateful connections with applications: There are instances when the database performs poorly not because of code, but because of frequent disconnection between the application and the database. If there is an issue in application configuration then it would connect to the database to access a table, followed by a disconnection immediately after getting its hands on the required information.


Performance Tune Sql Query

 Avoid connection drops and save system resources: This frequent disconnection immediately post accessing the table is often a reason behind the database's poor performance. So, try to avoid any connection drop at all times, so that the application is connected with the database at all times. This approach will go a long way in avoiding the wastage of system resources every time there is an interaction between the application and the database.


 Store and collect optimizer statistics: Optimizer statistics is data that describes a database and its objects. A database uses these statistics to choose the best execution plan for SQL statements. Collecting and storing optimizer statistics regularly is crucial to maintaining database efficiency.


  Accuracy in the database at all times: This approach ensures that the database has accurate information on table contents all the time. In case the data is inaccurate, then the database will go for a poor execution plan which will affect the end-users database experience. Oracle databases have an inbuilt ability to collect optimizer statistics on their own or you can do so manually with the help of the DBMS_STATS package.


Yes, Oracle is an excellent data management tool. But even the best tools fail to deliver when not managed well on the ground. So, with the help of oracle performance tuning tips shared above along with the job of performance tune SQL query it will deliver up to user expectations.

Oracle Performance Tuning Tips


Tuesday 26 April 2022

Why Improve MySQL Database Performance with SQL Query Tuning

Database performance may take a backseat if the SQL queries are running slow. If the SQL queries fail to perform as per standards, it may affect the database performance adversely.

Thus, to avoid such consequences, you need to improve MySQL database performance. It is essential to optimize SQL queries to enhance server performance. Failing to do so may entail utilizing more resources that can degrade the server's performance.

The Necessity of SQL Tuning for Oracle

To ensure the exceptional performance of the MySQL or Oracle database, you need to optimize it. This refers to database tuning which future entails the aspects of performance tuning in SQL MySQL. This means for the high performance of your oracle database; one needs to focus on SQL tuning for Oracle.


The purpose of SQL tuning is to

  1. Increase throughput
  2. Reduce response time
  3. Minimize recovery time
  4. Increase load capabilities


To accomplish the above scenarios, it is vital that we improve MySQL database performance. To better understand SQL query optimization, you need to shift your focus to high load and poorly written SQL queries. If query time is higher, you need to give at the following key areas.


Spotting Out High Load Queries to Improve MySQL Database Performance

To figure out what is increasing the workload of the application and increasing the query time, you need to look at high load queries. They often consist of one or more of the following elements:


    Indexes: If the search is slow on the database, you can employ indexes to fasten the search process. If the table or SQL needs indexing, you have to carefully analyze and create an index that will help in SQL tuning for Oracle.

    Joins: Joins can also impede performance and result in slow query processing. If the query is joining multiple tables, it may retrieve the column with the same column names, resulting in increasing the row count. To avoid this, proper usage of joins is essential.

  Table size: Table size matters greatly. Your query performance can be relatively slow, especially when you have millions of records to cater to. For the query to work well, you need to shorten the table size or probably divide it into multiple tables. In the case of time-series data, we can also limit it to a time window to generate faster results.

    Aggregations: SQL aggregations can cause the SQL query to run slowly. Aggregation is nothing but combing a set of values to return a single value. Sum, average, and count are some of the aggregate functions. It is imperative to look into whether combining multiple rows is causing the underlying concern.


Using Query Optimizer to Automate SQL Tuning for Oracle

We can use the Query optimizer in oracle to improve MySQL database performance as well as to enhance the performance of SQL statements in oracle. The query optimizer works in two modes: Normal and Tuning.

The normal mode generates the execution plan by compiling SQL queries while the Tuning mode is an advanced mode that analysis whether further improvements are possible in the execution plan generated in the normal mode,

The execution plan includes prime points like creating SQL Profile, creating new indexes, restructuring SQL statements, reducing table size, and much more.


Summing up

SQL query tuning is an integral part of speeding up database performance. Slow query processing can be time taking and resource-draining. To increase the performance of SQL queries, it becomes vital to apply query optimization techniques.

Aside from the suggestions and tips for SQL tuning for Oracle in this blog, you can also take the help of optimizing tools that third-party developers offer. There’s a huge variety in the market that caters to a wide range of requirements.

Tuesday 25 January 2022

MySQL database and SQL: Working with Table Fragmentation

You may already know that a table that only undergoes a whole lot of insert operations doesn’t face fragmentation in MySQL database and SQL. Generally, this takes place through an update or a delete operation.


Such tasks leave behind gaps among the information that remains in the table and that is the true cause of table fragmentation. Moreover, the database doesn’t immediately replace these spaces that non-insert DML commands liberate.

In this blog, we will discuss how the database management system handles this space for the tables.

MySQL SQL Performance Tuning: Managing Table Fragmentation

In some cases, row storage isn’t contiguous or the rows are divided across multiple blocks. Both of these negatively impact the database, so you will need MySQL SQL performance tuning to reduce the requirement of additional block accesses.

Keep in mind that table fragmentation and file fragmentation are two distinct occurrences. Table fragmentation involves the application of many Data Manipulation Language commands. This is because the resulting free space does not get released by the DML from the table, except if it is under the High-Water Mark (HWM).

High Water Mark is a measure of that DBMSs occupied blocks. Those that lie under the HWM may or may not have data at the moment but they have held it at least once. The database is aware that blocks over this indicator have never contained data. It is why it only reads those that reach up to the HWM during a complete table scan. This value can be reset by a DDL query.


Why Table Reorganization Can Help MySQL Database and SQL

This particular task helps deal with three major problems with MySQL Database and SQL:


      Too many chained or migrated rows

      Sluggish table response time

      Wasted old space due to non-uniform table growth

There are certain ways to locate a majority of fragmented tables. Look for tables that have a sizable difference in their expected and actual sizes. Such differences usually occur thanks to table fragmentation or old stats that haven’t gone through updates.

If you want to determine and eliminate table fragmentation, you may follow the steps explained briefly below:

  1. Bring together important table stats, such as the actual size and stats size. These will help you calculate the exact difference between the two and help you identify the presence of fragmentation. You will require updated stats in dba_tables for this purpose. To verify whether the stats are new, you can go through the last_analyzed value or try collecting table stats.
  2. Find out the current table size- if it is smaller than its older size, you can tell it has undergone table fragmentation.
  3. Other signs you can look for in the table include the overall size of the table (with fragmentation), what size you may expect in the absence of fragmentation, and the percentage size the DBA may regain once fragmentation is removed. You will require the table and schema names for this.

Final Thoughts

You can still gain performance-related advantages from a large number of fragmented tables with the help of the steps mentioned above.

These will enable you to collect all the necessary statistics that will inform the optimizer on how to build the most favorable execution plan. The plan will ensure MySQL SQL performance tuning for better results during statement execution. 

Thursday 30 December 2021

Oracle Database Performance Tuning Tips for Great Results

A lot of clients encounter performance issues while using data warehouse programs. In this post, we will discuss some important methods that will help users improve results in Oracle database performance tuning by examining and enhancing the performance of Oracle Analytics reports.

The Best Ways to Ensure Optimal Oracle Database Performance

Take a look at the tips and tricks for better Oracle report analysis explained below:


  1. Query Log Assessment: This involves the following steps-

  Check the time you spend in your Oracle database and SQL and compare it to the amount of time a statement takes in Oracle Analytics. In other words, you’re comparing the statement duration and response time. Typically, the former takes no more than a few seconds.

    Examine the individual steps in Oracle Analytics in case the response time takes more than a few seconds. You will need log level five for this.


  1. Go through the physical Structured Query Language

   Take a look at all the tables being involved in the statement. Is every single one of them important for the query? You will also have to check whether there are any tables that are joined but don’t have filters other than the join condition, nor are they a part of the SELECT clause.

    Find out the number of physical statements and sub-statements that are being generated in the Oracle database. To put it simply, you need to identify the number of times the statement reads a fact table. Under ideal conditions, the statement reads only one fact table and it does so only once, so it is important to know when there are multiple reads and the reason behind them so you can eliminate some of the extra reads.

You can do this by locating excluded columns, aggregation rules that are non-additive, such as those with concatenated count clauses, selection measures, reports with sub-statements, etc.

   Look out for external joins: if you find any, locate their origins and find out ways to get rid of as many as possible (you may have to change the design).


  1. Assess the execution plan for the root cause of the performance-related problem: - Follow this tip in case the steps you took during Oracle database performance tuning didn’t prove sufficient. You may enlist the support of your DBA for this purpose. These are the 4 main methods to boost performance in this situation-

     Work on the data access path by adding indexes to decrease IO volume.

  Lower the IO volume by decreasing how much data is read. For instance, you may go through the filters or the architecture of the data model.

      Raise the thread quantity for reading larger tables (parallelism).

      Make other changes to boost the IO rate, such as infrastructure modifications, in-memory database, etc.

  1. Analyze the data model and take the following measures to decrease the data read volume: -

      Generate aggregate tables

      Use an Oracle query optimizer tool wherever required.

      Apply fragmentation: You might find this example useful- in case users consistently select data from the current month or year, you can divide the data into two tables: archive and present. Partitioning is also an option in the case of the Oracle database.

      Implement denormalization. You will be able to lower the join quantity.

      You can also decrease column quantity by dividing tables.


To Sum Up

A large number of performance problems occur due to poor design which is why they require Oracle database performance tuning. This is true in the case of Oracle Analytics as well since inadequate design can lead to the creation of sub-par SQL statements.

Making changes to the design will not only optimize the SQL statements created by Oracle Analytics but will also affect the overall performance of the database. This will be because of the more efficient use of resources. 

Sunday 28 November 2021

Oracle Query Optimizer Tool: Manipulating Index Spaces

Performance becomes a major issue in nearly every real-time production environment. Unlike configuration-related problems or bugs in Oracle, performance issues stem from poorly-designed statements or ill-suited execution plans. That’s why DBAs often end up looking for an Oracle query optimizer tool to improve database speed.

Before doing that, it is important to do an index scan as it helps for high cost-based statements in most cases. However, indexes may also need maintenance or be created again to overcome certain bottlenecks they can cause.

Improve Oracle Database Performance with the Right Index

The space allotted for tables is usually smaller than the space allocated for indexes because quick row access is crucial for acceptable response time. Let’s take a look at some types of indexe structures that help us achieve this:


    The default index structure that Oracle always uses is the B-Tree - the standard since the earliest releases.

  There is an alternative to B-Tree indexes - Bitmap indexes. These prove more useful in cases with low cardinality. This means a low number of distinct values in an index column, making it extremely quick for read-only databases.

   Another type of index is the Bitmap join index. It is useful when data columns show in a multi-column index from multiple tables into a junction table.

How Indexes and an Oracle Query Optimizer Tool Help in Optimization

Aside from these various kinds of index structures, DBAs also find different uses for indexes at runtime. Consider some examples of index-based access plans to improve Oracle database performance that are given below:

      The use of the index_combine hint for combined index access.

  Scanning an index to gain access to a series of row ids using nested loop joins is a common optimization method.

   Using index blocks through a database file scattered read helps place index blocks into the buffers. It is a quick full scan that doesn’t read the index nodes.

     Implementing star joins enables very quick connections for big read-only data warehouse tables. It uses the star index that was earlier a single concatenated index that turned into a bitmap index implementation.

One of the most common questions new Database Administrators have to face is: where does one collect index information? The answer is an execution plan that also includes all object data that it can collect with the help of dba_or v$ views.

When a database professional has to examine indexes, they can view the statistics through the dba_indexes view. Although it is a source of a whole lot of necessary data for the Oracle query optimizer tool, there are a few details it misses.

There is an analyze index command that provides the additional information we need in the form of a temporary table known as index_stats. However, this information is temporary, so you will have to save it because every validate command overlays the data.

Sometimes, DBAs may have to reconstruct Oracle B-Tree indexes from time to time to improve Oracle database performance. Even though there are several thought-processes regarding their use, some experts say doing this results in proper space utilization. According to them, it also increases the rate at which the queries access data, while others believe this should rarely be done.

According to the recent developments, the AMT will look for indexes that require re-construction on its own. This proves the claims made by many experts in terms of performance improvement.

Sunday 31 October 2021

The Best Ways to Ensure Proper PL SQL Performance Tuning


There are many things you can do as a database professional to ensure your PL SQL code runs as it should. Therefore, in this article, we will talk about some good coding practices and offer advice regarding PL SQLperformance tuning.  

The tips presented in this post are extremely reliable; in fact, top experts and experienced database technicians recommend them. They have been aimed at enhancing the execution time and getting the code to run optimally. 

The code you have to tune has to take the least time to run. This is particularly important when the statement consists of several rows and the function is present in a SELECT clause. In such cases, the DBA first analyzes the nature of the function and then checks to see whether the database views will prove more productive. 

The goal behind any kind of optimization, including Oracle SQL performance tuning and optimization, is to prevent users from facing any issues or wait times when using the database. 

In case the function mentioned above has a reference in a WHERE clause, it is important to look into it further. This will help the DBA determine if a function-based index will help run the SQL faster. 

It is also essential to carry out proper coding methods and practices when it comes to functions. That is because functions work best when they only contain a single RETURN clause in the regular (Begin) area present in the code. They can make use of purity features to reduce or eliminate side effects. 

The next thing to consider is tuning every SQL call because SQL, when getting executed from PL/SQL, results in some extra overhead, known as a context switch. The SQL and its output find their source in the SQL engine which is why PL/SQL must request for every row from SQL. 

Several experts are willing to educate newcomers for PL SQLperformance tuning and it certainly helps in this regard as well. They also mention bind variables to boost cursor reuse and decrease hard parsing as much as possible. However, experienced professionals advise against using them too much as they might cause other issues in the execution plan. 

Another element that steadily reduces performance is the bulk processing of information. This is especially true if IN OUT or OUT parameters come into play. For this, it is better to use the NOCOPY alternative that allows the database to pass pointers rather than the entire information itself. That said, the best thing to do in these instances is to simply place all the routines in one package so nothing has to be passed!

Collections have also greatly improved in Oracle.  For instance, the BULK COLLECT and FORALL features have become much quicker and have now proven to be the answer to row-at-a-time processing. Moreover, Oracle prefers hitting rows that don’t contain null values, and certain methods, such as the FIRST, the NEXT, and the LAST method, tend to skip null rows. 

DBAs recommend another tip: to keep loop code as short as possible. Combined with good coding methods and single result set processing, this strategy is extremely helpful in Oracle SQL performance tuning and optimization. Also, developers should try not to use EXIT while they are inside the FOR or WHILE loops. 

A majority of experts consider this to be poor coding because it mostly results in unexpected behaviour. The better thing to do is to make use of a single EXIT command and leave the loops simple. It doesn’t only make coding and executing easier, but it also simplifies maintenance in the long run. 

Want to use the FOR loop? You can do it, but avoid declaring the FOR loop subscript. In case it already has a declaration that isn’t a PLS_INTEGER, Oracle will find it necessary to turn it into this format before it executes every single iteration of the loop. For instance, declaring the “i” in “FOR i IN…” will waste time in conversion. 

The key to ensuring lasting results in SQL performance tuning is to use recent coding technologies as they are introduced. It is useful because it will improve the consistency of your code in conjunction with coding practices that exist in other languages. 

Additionally, it becomes more convenient for the Database Administrator to modify the code when they know other experts follow the same practices during code maintenance. For example, all C programming languages have Boolean logic in common. This is why it’s vital for database professionals to conform to certain practices and techniques that will also ensure consistent performance throughout various databases.

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Find Out Some of The Benefits of Oracle Database and SQL


There are many benefits of learning Oracle and SQL that help you manage data. Oracle and SQL can improve workflow in your company. Many big companies hire data analysts to record, analyze and disseminate data. They are required to have a complete understanding of the goals of the company to use the data. With the help of the SQL programming language, You can manage information and data the way you like. In this article, you will know about the benefits of Oracle database and SQL and learn why it is essential in these times. 

On the other hand, the Oracle database is a unit to retrieve related information to manage data in an environment with many users. Its database server can prevent unauthorized access and provide efficient recovery solutions. It is one of the tools to solve the problems related to information management. Oracle database is the first step towards enterprise grid computing and a cost-effective way to manage information and applications. It can create large pools of industry-standard where you do not depend on large pools of industry-standard and servers.

With the robust architecture, every system can rapidly take peak workloads. The capacity can be allocated from the resource. With the help of Oracle Database and SQL, you can manage your data in a better way. This type of database has logical structures and physical structures that won’t affect access to storage structures.

Advantages of My SQL Database and SQL

Oracle Database and SQL offer different methods of improving the company’s database. However, you can use other servers on the same database with the cluster feature to increase processing power at the same price. It can increase the price and gives you some options to find a suitable database at the price of the server.

Additionally, MySQL Database and SQL are versatile and can run in any operating system. For instance, when you run SQL Server on a window-based machine, it can benefit the way Unix work and keep the standardization of SQL. Unix is not affected by any viruses and can keep the information secure. You can also upgrade it in the future and retain the same data.

Another feature of Oracle is useful for restoring database files during downtimes and outages. It supports online archiving and recovery and is called a user-managed recovery supported by it.

It also uses real application clusters over traditional databases servers due to many reasons. It can scale the database in many instances. It can minimize data redundancy and availability.

SQL allows you to cut needless spending and get on the point when it comes to storing databases. It is not wrong to say that it is an efficient solution. If you are well versed in SQL, you can store and track all essential data and use it effectively.

Some traditional database solutions may track things one at a time, but SQL is not like that and provide data in one place. SQL also allows programming commands and does data analysis to update information whenever needed. In a nutshell, it can streamline data analysis that was not possible earlier.

Learning SQL definitely has many advantages and it helps you stay in touch with changing technologies. SQL language knowledge can help you to lead in the future and gain success. No matter what you want to do, there is no particular time for you to start learning the SQL language. Whether you want to start all over again or enhance your professional skills, you can learn SQL language and move ahead in your career!

What do You Mean by Oracle Performance Tuning?

Performance tuning is a process in which we fine-tune a database to improve its operational performance. This process includes working on pe...